• Multiply by binary fission
  • Move using flagella
  • Walls contain peptidoglycan
  • Membrane lipids have ester bonds
  • prokaryotic

organism 1: Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Domain:      Bacteria

Phylum:      Firmicutes

Class:           Bacilli

Order:          Lactobacillales

Family:        Lactobacillaceae

Genus:         Lactobacillus

Species:       L. rhamnosus

   Figure 8: Lactobacillus rhamnosus magnified and

 stained blue

   Figure 9: Lactobacillus rhamnosus labeled

Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a rod shaped bacterium. Many strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus are used in probiotics, which can be taken to counteract the effects of antibiotics [16]. Lactobacillus rhamnosus is present in the female vagina and urinary tract. It is also sometimes used in dairy products such as yogurt, fermented and unpasteurized milk and semi-hard cheese. Lactobacillus rhamnosus is often considered a beneficial organism. It has many uses, for example, it can be as a probiotic could stop allergic reactions to peanuts in 80% of children [16]. It can also help prevent respiratory tract infections in children. These are just some of the many benefits and uses of Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

Why does it belong?

Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a bacteria because it is a single celled organism without membrane bound organelles. It is not in Archaea because its cell walls contain peptidoglycan.

Ogranism 2: Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Domain- Bacteria

Phylum- Actinobacteria

Class- Actinobacteria

Order- Actinomycetales

Family- Mycobacteriaceae

Genus- Mycobacterium

Species - Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Figure 10: Mycobacterium tuberculosis magnified                                                        

Figure 11: Mycobacterium tuberculosis labeled diagram



Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells have a long rod-shape to them. The bacterium are fairly large compared to others. The cells of the bacterium are 2 to 4 micrometers long and 0.2 to 0.5 um wide [17]. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an obligate aerobe, meaning that it requires oxygen to do aerobic respiration or other cell processes. Therefore, it lives in the upper lobes of the lungs, that are filled well with air that contains the oxygen it needs. The bacteria, once in the human are able to give a human Tuberculosis [17]. 32% of the human population is infected with Tuberculosis and 10% end up becoming ill. This is because the immune system has the ability to fight off the Pathogen sometimes [18].

Why does it belong?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a prokaryote. The cell walls contain peptidoglycan which is distinct to bacteria. It is a single celled organism.

Quiz on Mycobacterium tuberculosis- Natan and noah

How long are the cells of Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

What disease does this bacteria cause?

What Phylum is the Mycobacterium tuberculosis a part of?